We’re the answer to the unmet needs of an untapped $2B market. We deliver for patients, payers and providers.

Our patent-protected technology provides a non-invasive blood-based cancer diagnostic test with high sensitivity for the early detection of Ovarian Cancer (OC).

Our test leverages the utility of blood tests that can be run on current immunoassay equipment, which most healthcare providers use today.

We provide value to patients, providers and payers through

  • Reduction in mortality rate amongst women with OC
  • Improved confidence in clinical decision-making
  • Potential to reduce unnecessary procedures due to high sensitivity and specificity
  • Significant cost savings for all stakeholders
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An Untapped Market of $2 Billion

There is a large market opportunity with the unmet need for OC early detection. The ovarian cancer diagnostics market is projected at $2.0+ billion in the United States alone, spanning market opportunities in diagnostic aid, monitoring and screening. With a diverse application portfolio addressing this unmet healthcare need, PROMISS® Diagnostics is positioned to meet this addressable market with their innovative solution.

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Our Competitive Advantage

In addition to our patented technology and talented team with medical and healthcare industry expertise, PROMISS® provides differentiators critical to success in the medical diagnostics market:

Multi-clinical Utilities

Multi-clinical Utilities

Multiple potential clinical applications in OC diagnostics including diagnostic aid, monitoring and screening

Perfomance Superiority

Perfomance Superiority

PROMISS® outperforms standard of care (CA125, U/S), and has a high positive predictive value

Simplicity & Scalability

Simplicity & Scalability

Rapid market penetration due to using existing standard immunochemistry systems. No assay development costs.